The Beginning – Our Marriage Before The Affair

This is a long story, but I will try to make it as short as I possibly can. You can always scroll down and skip ahead if I start to bore you. Prior to an event which happened a couple of years ago, I was a happily married woman with two happy kids that both […]

What Left Us Vulnerable – An Affair Is Brewing

After about 15 years into our marriage, my husband was very successful and I was very proud of him. The partners at his firm noticed his hard work and offered to let him head a new office in a neighboring county. Of course, I encouraged and supported him full force. I was very proud of […]

How I Found Out About The Affair

One day, I decided to surprise my husband at his hotel. I talked friends of my children to allow them to sleep over and I picked up a bottle of wine and some take out and was on my way. I hoped that my visit would cheer him up, allow him to relax and take […]

Confronting My Cheating Husband

My husband cautiously opened the door when he returned, gave me a pained look and said, “Oh sweetheart, I want to die right now. What have I done? What have I done?” I wanted to scream, ask why, or strike out at him, but all I could do (much to my embarrassment now) was bury […]

Our Work With A Marriage Counselor

The marriage counselor’s office was the only place I allowed myself to dwell on the affair. She (the counselor) made my husband come completely clean and she made me respond and express my feelings and it was hurtful. I still cringe when I think about it. He kept saying that this woman meant nothing to […]

Wanting To Move On, But Not Being Able To

In the coming weeks, my husband did everything in his power to make it up to me. He told his firm he no longer wanted the promotion, so we were again staying put. He was at my beck and call and made his whereabouts available to me at all times. I had no doubt in […]

What Finally Moved Me Forward

I thought about it for a long time and I kept coming to the conclusion that I very much wanted to not only repair my marriage, but I just could not push these thoughts and doubts out of my head. I wanted to be happy again in the worst way, but I was absolutely stuck. […]

Our Marriage Today, After The Affair

I never thought I was say this, but my husband and I are stronger than ever. The affair was a while ago, but it seems like decades ago. Unbelievably to me, I can now look back on it as a difficult situation we got through together like when my son was first diagnosed with epilepsy […]